Ground Source Heat Pump and Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installation in Carmarthenshire

This domestic property in a quiet village in Carmarthenshire had an aging, inefficient oil heating system and the costs of running and maintaining the scheme were rising year after year. Fed up of rising costs the owner decided to do something about it and after seeing our designers at the Brecon show decided to give WDS Green Energy a call.

  • The Problem:

    The owner of this domestic property in Carmarthenshire was seeking a company that could provide a renewable energy solution to reduce the running costs of her home and also help to access the grants and incentives that are available. WDS Green Energy liaised with the owner on several occasions and outlined the benefits available for renewable technologies.

  • The Solution:

    WDS Green Energy installed a Dimplex SIK 16 ME ground source heat pump system to replace the aging oil fired boiler. With a new more efficient hot water cylinder and utilising the existing radiators this new state-of-the-art system will ensure the property remains warm even in the coldest of weathers. The system will also provide for 100% of the hot water demand of the property.
    In part to offset the running cost of the heat pump system and in part to benefit from the generous tariffs available the owner also decided to have a 4kW solar photovoltaic panel array fitted upon the roof. WDS Green Energy were happy to oblige and even provided further help and guidance when it came to completing the grant and incentive paperwork.

  • The Benefits:

    The replacement of the old oil boiler system at this domestic property with a new, more environmentally friendly ground source heat pump system will save the owner up to 50% on her heating bills and the ground source heat pump installation is eligible for the Renewable Heat Premium payment scheme which entitles the owner to a one off grant payment of £2,300 towards the cost of the installation. A further £150 is available from Dimplex for the installation of this heat pump bringing the total grant value to £2450.
    The heat pump installation will also be eligible under the Renewable Heat Incentive when it begins in Early 2014, providing further income for the owner.
    The 4kW solar PV array upon the roof will further reduce running costs and will provide financial incentive under the Feed-in Tariff scheme which guarantees the owner a tariff of 14.9p per unit of electricity generated even if it is then used on site.